Spend a Day With Me

Here is how my day went today:

After waking up, doing my devotions and seeing Hubby off to work, I got back into bed for awhile because I had a bad headache.
3yo woke up about 15 minutes later and decided to join me in bed, but she did not go back to sleep! She lay there with me for another maybe 10 minutes, and then we had to get up. I stripped my bed for the wash, went downstairs and started the washer.

4yo joined us, and I put on a Baby Einstein DVD for them while I showered and dressed.
This is what I wore today:

When I came downstairs, 7yo was up and digging in his Pirate treasure kit from Usborne. Our order arrived yesterday with books for all!

I took this opportunity to run next door and let our neighbor’s dog out and feed her.

Then I came back, switched the laundry, started the next load, and started breakfast.
We had migas and toast with butter. (Migas are fried, cut up corn tortillas with scrambled eggs).
The littles helped crack and scramble the eggs. We read Psalm 5 at breakfast.
After that we cleaned up from breakfast, then brushed our teeth and the kiddies dressed, and then went upstairs for the children’s chores. This took waaaaayyy longer than it should have because they all had bad attitudes today! I didn’t get my regularly scheduled cleaning done because I was supervising them more than I should have had to. But I took the opportunity to clean some under my bed and the master closet, so all was not lost!
Christian cleaning the table and chairs after breakfast:
Are we supposed to be cleaning here? I should have taken an after picture. I promise it was clean afterwards!
Mia scrubbing the walls and door jamb of the upstairs bathroom.Somewhere during this time I got a call from my neighbor. She had gotten a call from someone in the neighborhood who had their dog–apparently she had somehow gotten out of the yard. So I had to go check on that. Strangely enough, the dog was in the yard, and I could find no sign of how she got out of the yard. But I put her on her leash and brought her on over to play at our house.
After that we took a short break, then had a snack and read aloud. We read from The Wind in the Willows and Five Little Peppers and How They Grew (see sidebar under “Current Family Read Aloud”).
The littles spread blankets on the floor to have their snack while they listen. Mia sat on Hubby’s chair and drew the story as she listened. (She’s always singing, drawing, or reading!)

Then we moved into Circle Time, and then school work. Baby Stuff, 3, and 4 yo played in and out of doors while I worked with the other two.

One of the books that came in yesterday was about Anne Frank. Mia read the entire book yesterday and last night, and decided today that she wanted to read some more about Hitler, which is what she is doing here.

She aslo did some math, spelling (above), and writing.
Christian filled in his weather graph, worked in his arithmetic workbook, a few pages in Explode the Code, and read some Bob books.

Reading the New Testament at 3 years old! πŸ˜‰
Destroying the living room but playing ever so nicely together!
I switched more laundry and folded my sheets until I could put them on the bed later in the day.
When we were finished I started lunch on the grill.

We had cheeseburgers, steamed mixed veggies, and potato chips. The littles wanted to eat outside on their picnic table since the weather was so nice. So I let them, although I think the dogs ate more than the children!

Mia and I ate inside and watched Samantha Brown on the travel channel. She loves that show and I don’t mind her watching it because it is very educational. Although I didn’t get a picture of it, Baby Stuff fell asleep in her highchair waiting for lunch, so she didn’t get to eat! I moved her to bed before we ate.
After cleanup, Mia changed Charlotte’s diaper while I made my bed. I ran the neighbor’s dog (Gracie) back next door quickly. Then Charlotte decided that my bed would be a good spot to rest, so she snuck right up in there and made herself quite comfy!

See her big blue eyes peeking from under the covers? And of course, twirling her hair as she always does when she’s tired.
Now all this time my headache never went away so I laid down with her and went to sleep instead of reading. I also slept much longer because of it. Baby Stuff and Charlotte got up before me. During my nap, Mia read and Christian and Hannah played nicely together. (They were allowed one snack, though, and they managed to make quite a mess with it. 8-$)
When I woke up Hubby was home and was playing with the little girls and watching an old black and white Dennis the Menace episode. I joined him for a little while after taking some Tylenol for my headache. Mia was checking her email and Christian and Hannah were playing outside.

When I felt a little better I started dinner (homemade pizza) while the kids all cleaned up (themselves and the living room).
Here is the sauce and sausage cooking:
The crust:

I quickly finished the first pizza to get it finished right away while the littles helped me with the other one.
Before the oven:
After the oven: YUM!

And the finished product:
After dinner I strapped Baby Stuff to my back and headed out the door for a quick mile walk, while the kids did their table/kitchen chores. After Mia finished the dishes she practiced her violin.
Then I read to the kiddies while Hubby relaxed and watched some t.v. No baths tonight–due to my headache and Hubby being extra tired after washing an airplane today. So after reading Hubby tucked all the littles in while I nursed the baby and hung out with Mia.
Then, since he was so tired, he watched a little baseball on the computer while I got some cleaning done that I didn’t get to do earlier. I mopped the kitchen and downstairs bathroom, and wiped down some of the kitchen walls and the stove and dishwasher. I also did some more laundry.
Voila! A beautifully clean kitchen:

Now I am on the computer and then it’s off to bed once I am finished here. Tomorrow is Friday and hopefully Hubby and I will get to watch a movie together tomorrow night.
What I didn’t get done today:
Science and History during homeschool
Playing outside with the kids
Bathe littles
Spending a little more time with Hubby

These are all part of our regular day but because of my headache I needed some extra rest. But that is the beauty of having a plan. If I didn’t have one I wouldn’t have gotten nearly as much done as I did. My head was pounding so hard I wouldn’t have been able to think about what to do next, but since it was all laid out for me I didn’t have to think.
Now, I must be off to bed!

9 Responses

  1. I just found your blog today! Thanks so much for sharing. I am a homeschool mom to 8 and it is nice to find likeminded moms to share with. Your blog is a place I will visit often.What a beautiful family you have. have a blessed day! Trish

  2. Thanks for sharing your day even if it was not as on track as usual. I’m sure your kitchen makes you smile in the AM … I know it would me…it’s lovely

  3. Hi Jessica!

    Sorry it has taken me so long to visit your blog! I try to visit everyone that stops by! But you know how it is with many littles…I have 7 myself (nearly 11 to 10 months).

    Sorry to hear about your migraine, I get them too! I would rather deal with the labor of having a baby than have a migraine!

    Your day is busy like mine! I just wanted you to know also, that I have a “sour” dough bread in my recipes that is similar to Candy’s bread. It is milk free (I have one that is allergic to dairy), and it does have a little yeast, but the lady that I got it from uses that recipe all the time.(*blush*…I haven’t used the recipe yet, I just use my good old standard recipe that works every time).

    Anyway, it was good to read about your day! I guess I should take before and after pictures of my house and post them online. We’ll see, I don’t have much time these days!


  4. When I get home, I will invite you over for dinner. There’s a catch, you need to bring the pizza crust. Even 8 year old says your pizza was better than what I make. Thanks 8 year old.

  5. I also just found your blog off of Candy’s. I wanted to say how much I love your kitchen table with the benches..Do you remember the store where you got it? I’d love to get one for our family.
    My dd’s have those modest swimsuits that you mentioned.;-)
    Have a Great weekend!!

  6. Michelle,
    I bought the table at Linens and Things–back in February they were marked $150 OFF–originally $249; we paid $99.
    Thanks for visiting!

  7. Hi Jessica,

    It was such a treat to come across this posting and the picture of you making migas. I have never known anyone else, other than my grandmother, who makes migas at home. When I lived in S. Texas they were a regular menu item in the little mexican restaurants but no one I knew made them. They have been one of my favorite breakfasts since I was a little girl. I make them often. We have never cut our corn tortillas like you do, we rip them into little 2″ pieces (squarish). I also call my little guys the “littles” πŸ™‚

    You have a beautiful family.

  8. Hi Jessica~thanks for visiting and I love the way you spend your days! God bless, Rose

  9. I love migas! Well, it’s rare for me to come across a blog where I see so many home-things in common, like the Pampered Chef stones (I can’t live without mine!), toile decorating, and, haha–we have the same sippy cup in the third picture! πŸ˜‰

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